Monday, August 5, 2013

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor is Peter Capaldi

Doctor Who: il Dodicesimo Dottore è Peter Capaldi

Dear fans of the Doctor, it's time to get over it: Matt Smith, a splendid last Time Lord for four years, has now hung up his bow tie on the nail and it's already time to know who will be the new star of the beloved BBC series that takes the name of Doctor Who. The wait lasted two good month or so, and after a Comic-Con is not particularly talkative, Steven Moffat, the author of the series, has decided to break the silence of the press today at 19 (now in London) when during Live Who: The Next Doctor , a special live on BBC1, was presented the new Doctor.

That the person in question was not woman, there had already spoilerato the famous photographer Rankin who this morning posted this tweet detector:

I just photographed the new Doctor, let me know what you think of the photo. He will be a great Doctor.

But this was the only rumor leaked from the wall of silence and mystery that has surrounded so far the identity of the lucky actor, performer twelfth of the next regeneration of the alien with two hearts and a habit of traveling through time. Well, notice the delay, our man is Peter Capaldi! Ok, Who? Born in 1958, the actor has proved very at ease in answering the questions of the presenter Zoe Ball.

We have learned from his own statements that finally feels relieved: no longer have to keep the secret about his next job role as he admits, the daughter, fans of the series as much as he did not consider minimally as possible Twelfth Doctor preferring others. The opinion of Moffat, however, has just a tad more and the same author, appeared in connection on the air to say that you have chosen a completely different character from Matt Smith.

Taking a look at HP's artistic Capaldi, we can note two important roles: the actor was Caecilius in "The Fires of Pompeii" and John Frobisher in the third season of Torchwood, the series that has a lot to do with our Doctor Who. In short, Peter Capaldi will convince us? It 's too early to tell. It is certain that if my sympathy is earned by answering the question of what was his reaction when he learned to be the new Doctor:

It took me a while 'to realize what was happening to me. Especially since the first time they called me, I had the silent and did not answer. At the second attempt, Steven Moffat greeted me saying, "Hello Doctor." I'm incredibly proud of this role because they are a fan of Doctor Who since I was nine years old!

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