Monday, August 5, 2013

Air Jaws: Countdown to Shark Week | Discovery, Sunday, 8 ET/PT

great whiteIt's shark week – and as any self-respecting shark week fan knows, that means hours and hours of footage of great white sharks breaching in slow motion, the better to chomp on some poor, unsuspecting seal. Indeed, Discovery has become so fond of these "air jaws" shots, it's opening the week with a special devoted to them that includes a preview of another upcoming air jaws special. It's followed by the two-hour special Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives (9 ET/PT) and the debut of Shark After Dark (11 ET/PT), a live late-night talk show hosted by Josh Wolf that will run each evening during shark week.

Nfl, the head of Joe Montana "Reset the memories always win"

JOE MONTANA knows him also who ignores what a touchdown. His jersey number 16 with the colors of the San Francisco 49ers is still among the most sold in the U.S. and not only. Almost a brand. It 's like wearing the 10 of Pele or Maradona. And we speak today of a gentleman by the gentle smile and graying hair that has taken 11 June 57. It happens only a few samples of the sport. Knock down all geographical boundaries and generations and become, in absolute terms, symbols of victories unthinkable. "I thank those who follow me, I feel I am really lucky to have so many fans," almost whispers natural calmness former football player most famous in the world, first to August 3, will be in Trieste for the American Bowl International Camp. Three days where the strongest quarterback of all time will return to tread the ground game to teach theory and technique of the oval ball. The event, wanted by the Pro Loco Muggia in collaboration with the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the municipalities of Trieste and Muggia, it will attract the stadium Grezar experts from all over Europe. "I can not wait, at the bottom are a little 'Italian too, no?" He says in an interview with "Republic" where he talks about competitive sport more popular in the States, its present and its past.

So, Joe, let's start with that last name, Montana, made in Italy. Exactly?
"Siciliano. Part of the family of mom. They arrived in the United States from the province of Agrigento. Was so long ago. Honestly do not even know if it was someone in my family there, but the culture and traditions of Italian certainly continue to live aa in our house, especially through food and my love for the family. With my wife Jennifer prepare the olive oil and often a gift to friends.'m also involved in the production of wine. All this and much more certainly come from my Italian heritage, if I may call it that. "

She is considered one of the best quarterbacks in history: what attitude and what technical skills you must have to play a decisive role as delicate as it successfully?
"In my attitudes decisive to play in the quarterback position are essentially twofold. Firstly, the ability to shake off what has just happened; explain: it is necessary to have a" short memory. "For better or for worse. Di episodes exactly positive as negative episodes. Free mind to do the best. From time to time. remember No, in fact. According: to be maniacally precise: it is essential, when you throw the ball to avoid interceptions by opposing defenses. The turnover (the loss of possession of the oval, ed) will always kill your own team! The ability to cast a particularly long and powerful, however, will never have a decisive importance, contrary to what might believe.'s not the only force to make a difference , but the accuracy in the trajectory designed to your receiver and peace of mind to be always open to new solutions of the game. "

Not surprisingly, the called Joe Cool, for his coolness in the important moments or Comeback Joe for his proverbial comebacks. What do you consider his unforgettable match, the one that played better?
"The victory in Super Bowl XXIII. When, in the score, a few seconds from the end, I threw a pass that landed in the end zone in the hands of my receiver to win the match and the title of world champions NFL. To me, still today, was the fulfillment of a dream. "

If one were to give advice to a kid who wants to play European football what would you say?
"I would say that it is a game where you have to train a lot, to get the reflections and specific skills, more than any other. Trained and still train."

Who taught you to play football?
"Dad was my first and greatest teacher. Then I was lucky enough to always find great coaches along my way, at all levels, from high school, college and then in the NFL. Each of them has added something to every stage of my sporting life, until I retired. "

Football is a tough sport, many say it is more dangerous today than in the past because collisions between players are more violent. It 's so?
"Yes, football is a very tough sport, violent clashes it produces. And today is played with a speed much higher than any other discipline. Technology and equipment, now, in fact, allow contacts at great speed, higher any other competitive game in the world. short, it is the only sport where you will see two players going in the opposite direction and then collide once they arrive at their full speed. "

It shares the design of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell: a less violent football, protecting the health of the players, the helmet no longer used for striking, believes this is the best way of conceiving the football of the future?
"Yes, it is the right direction to go, but at the same time, I see no solution to achieve all this without distorting the game. Compromise will not be easy, but the direction is the right one."

His son plays football quarterback, he believes that he will become a professional level?
"We have 2 children, Nick and Nate, and both are quarterbacks. Nate has just finished his college career and I hope I can sign up with a Nfl team for training camp. Nick is in his first year at Tulane University in New Orleans. I very proud of them. I can only hope that both will be given the chance to play in the NFL. "

Why the 49ers of his era had such a strong team?
"Because we had a great owner in Mr. De Bartolo. Gave us everything we needed to win. We also had one of the greatest coaches of all time: Bill Walsh. Both have built a team that can lead to long, especially thanks to a group of great players. "

Let's try to compile a ranking of the five best quarterbacks of all time?
"I really do not like to answer about these topics because the game has changed so much over the years that it is difficult, if not impossible, to compare quarterback of an era with those of another."

What then are the top five quarterbacks of today according to Joe Montana?
"And here I answer why compare quarterback playing today is a bit 'easier. Everyone play by the same rules. My top 5 in no particular order would be this: Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers" .

On his Twitter account nods also to the new wave of young quarterback ...
"Yes, and I have briefly written to give a clear opinion on Kaepernick, RgIII, Luck and Wilson is still too early but also that in perspective I see them big."

The NFL season will start again soon. Who will reach the Superbowl?
"It 'hard to predict, at least until it falls back on the field, but I can say that I still like the 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens, even if they have changed a lot and with them there is no longer their leader, Ray Lewis ".

What is your favorite player in the NFL today?
"I like to watch how he plays running back Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings, I think it is extraordinary."

I was expecting a "colleague" qb or receiver ...
"Ah, but the question was independent from the role, right? And then I say Peterson, author of a memorable season."

What do you think of the evolution of the role of quarterback? Now many run with the agility of a running back, do you like this style of game?
"The position of taste is always changing, but somehow you end up back where you started.'ll Be more clear: in my opinion the taste of the traditional type, the so-called" pocket passers "(ie they are in the pocket without groped raids in the open field, ed) always end up winning it all. boys who can run are nice, maybe thrilling to watch, but you put in clear danger when they come out of pocket and it can cause serious blows and this is not good for their career and for their team. "

In Italy certainly does not lack the passion for football, but it's still all about being amateur / amateur: little money (almost zero) and a lot of sacrifice. What advice can give young Italians who want to get ahead in the world of football?
"I think we should stick it out because I am convinced that the NFL is also coming from you. Throughout Europe there are big fans and championships amuentano from year to year. And the NFL is attentive ...".

The San Francisco 49ers will play a match in London Nfl, there will also be her at Wembley?
"At the moment I do not know if I'll be in London for the 49ers game. Nick, as I said my youngest son, is playing in college and Nate, I hope, might end up in a team NFL. And I'm not going to miss any of lots of my children. Not for one of "my" Niners ".

His sons, therefore, keep anchored to the football. But what are you doing Joe Montana at this stage of life?
"I'm quite active, huh ... I have a small real estate investment company.'m Also launching a new application" Fanta-football "call" IMFL "for next season. Shortly will be launching a website for online game called Golden Key Casino . I am in training. Even with camp like that of Trieste. Nice to be in Italy and ... how do you say? Ah, hello, and see you soon ... ".

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor is Peter Capaldi

Doctor Who: il Dodicesimo Dottore è Peter Capaldi

Dear fans of the Doctor, it's time to get over it: Matt Smith, a splendid last Time Lord for four years, has now hung up his bow tie on the nail and it's already time to know who will be the new star of the beloved BBC series that takes the name of Doctor Who. The wait lasted two good month or so, and after a Comic-Con is not particularly talkative, Steven Moffat, the author of the series, has decided to break the silence of the press today at 19 (now in London) when during Live Who: The Next Doctor , a special live on BBC1, was presented the new Doctor.

That the person in question was not woman, there had already spoilerato the famous photographer Rankin who this morning posted this tweet detector:

I just photographed the new Doctor, let me know what you think of the photo. He will be a great Doctor.

But this was the only rumor leaked from the wall of silence and mystery that has surrounded so far the identity of the lucky actor, performer twelfth of the next regeneration of the alien with two hearts and a habit of traveling through time. Well, notice the delay, our man is Peter Capaldi! Ok, Who? Born in 1958, the actor has proved very at ease in answering the questions of the presenter Zoe Ball.

We have learned from his own statements that finally feels relieved: no longer have to keep the secret about his next job role as he admits, the daughter, fans of the series as much as he did not consider minimally as possible Twelfth Doctor preferring others. The opinion of Moffat, however, has just a tad more and the same author, appeared in connection on the air to say that you have chosen a completely different character from Matt Smith.

Taking a look at HP's artistic Capaldi, we can note two important roles: the actor was Caecilius in "The Fires of Pompeii" and John Frobisher in the third season of Torchwood, the series that has a lot to do with our Doctor Who. In short, Peter Capaldi will convince us? It 's too early to tell. It is certain that if my sympathy is earned by answering the question of what was his reaction when he learned to be the new Doctor:

It took me a while 'to realize what was happening to me. Especially since the first time they called me, I had the silent and did not answer. At the second attempt, Steven Moffat greeted me saying, "Hello Doctor." I'm incredibly proud of this role because they are a fan of Doctor Who since I was nine years old!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Star Trek, goodbye to Michael Ansara

He leaves Michael Ansara, the Syrian-born actor best known for his role as Kang is in Star Trek that in the next Star Trek - Deep Space Nine and Star Trek Voyager. Ansara was 91 years old, had been ill for some time, and is turned off in Calabasas, California.
Although he was born in Syria, the actor had moved with his parents to the United States when he was just two years. During his college years set aside for initial ambition of becoming a doctor and began to devote himself to acting. Towards the second half of the fifties serial participates in Broken Arrow, and began to be well known by the general public. At the same time meets Barbara Eden, with which the 20th Century-Fox had arranged a meeting for advertising purposes, but later the two decide to get married and have a son, Matthew, who died in tragic circumstances in 2001. Ansara was also married with colleagues Jean Byron and Beverly Kushida, who remained with him until the end.
Although he was of Middle Eastern origin, Ansara was often cast in roles as villains or Native American.

During his career he has appeared in many television series - including, to name just a few, I Dream of Jeannie, She Wrote, Alfred Hitchcock Presents - and some film.

Powerball Jackpot Reaches $400M

Dreamers hoping to strike it rich quick plunked down $2 a ticket hoping to win a Powerball jackpot estimated to be at least $300 million.

The winning numbers for Saturday's drawing were 21, 24, 36, 42, and 45, with the Powerball 15. There were no jackpot winners for Saturday's drawing.

The next drawing will be Wednesday, and the revised estimated jackpot is $400 million, well below the record $590.5 million jackpot that was won in May by an 84-year-old Florida widow.

Saturday's pot was big enough, though, to attract casual players who only buy tickets when they think the payoff is big and potentially life-changing.

The odds of matching all six numbers are 1 in 175.2 million.

Powerball is played in 43 states, Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

UFC 163: Lyoto Machida interview before the meeting

From the words of Lyoto Machida is noted that highly respects his opponent, he knows the potential and strengths of Phil Davis and knows that is improving in the other aspects of the fight but at the same time is sure of himself and his abilities.
Davis will fight Machida UFC 163 event, on August 3.